
Unstable Position of Alamgir Hossain at Samakal

Alamgir Hossain, media advisor to S. Alam, joined *Samakal* as editor in June 2023. Prior to this, he handed over his own media company, Barta24, to S. Alam Group, one of the country's top money launderers. However, his position at Samakal is no longer as stable as it once was._x000D_ _x000D_ From the very beginning, S. Alam’s media "brain" struggled to gain a foothold at Samakal. His name repeatedly came up in various controversies, ranging from unpaid tea bills to more serious matters. Several reporters, speaking anonymously to Bangladesh Media Monitor, claimed that he took down stories without informing the reporters._x000D_ _x000D_ A meeting at Samakal last month saw several confrontations between Alamgir Hossain and other staff members over the removal of certain news reports. His position became particularly precarious after August 5th, as many stopped following his directives. Despite this, Samakal owner A.K. Azad has urged everyone to remain calm and expressed continued trust in Alamgir Hossain._x000D_ _x000D_ Notably, Alamgir Hossain was not included in the reform committee recently formed at Samakal. Rumors are circulating that he may be sent on a two-month leave to help ease the situation. According to one reporter, Mr. Alamgir comes to the office quietly every day and leaves just as discreetly.
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